Saturday, August 31, 2019

K217 Ena

K217 EMA Report Gary Table of Contents Page 1. Table of Contents Page 2. Introduction Page 3. Context Page 4. Discussion Page 8. Conclusions and Recommendations Page 9. References Introduction This is a report on Gary a 52 year old male service user who lives within the county of Conway. Due to a serious car accident some time ago he has lost the use of both his legs and he does not work and relies on disability benefits for his income, Gary lives alone and has some care provided by his daughter and the rest by a support worker.This report has been commissioned by Gary with the help of his support worker as he is interested in taking up some retraining so he can move towards getting back into the job market and becoming more independent. His daughter and son in law are apposed to the idea as they think Gary is getting on in years and she would not be able to attend the address to get Gary ready for work before 9. 30 am as she needs to get her children to school.His daughter also has reservations about the Gary's ex-work colleague as he has a reputation of being quite demanding of his employees and pays only a basic wage. In this report we are going to look into all the options that are open to Gary as in regard to him getting extra care so that he is able to push towards his goal of retraining for work. The key issues that we need to address as regard to Gary are can we get him the extra care that would make him more independent and give him the mobility to let him attend further education and training to put him back in the work place.This report is being compiled for Social Workers that are based within the Adult Social Services within Conwy County Council. Context With Gary's situation a number of significant events have happened which have led to his current situation, he lost the use of his legs sometime ago and lives alone after getting divorced some 15 years ago. Gary is suffering from depression and is taking medication for this, his daughter and son-in -law are relied on for most of his care and a support worker attends each day to give him a bath.Since the onset of his depression Gary has withdrawn from doing the activities that he used to enjoy and he is very much cutting himself off from the world. He enjoyed used to enjoy using his personal computer to research local and family history. The root of Gary's problem I believe is that he has become depressed due to his isolation from the real world and with his current lack of care and mobility he is almost ‘stuck in a rut' and needs to be removed from this situation and given more self worth.Gary needs a more active place in society and the more help that he can be given the more he will feel like he has a purpose in society, his family have reservations about the course of action that Gary wishes to pursue due to their limitations as regard to the time of day that his daughter can attend to get him ready and also the reputation of the old work friend that is offering him f uture employment.Adult Social Services have a number of goals for people who are disabled they include Maintaining independence, opportunities to contribute to the community, feeling valued, access to social contact and community, keeping active and alert (http://www. york. ac. uk/inst/spru/pubs/pdf/newvision. pdf) all these apply to Gary and Adult Social services need to move forward with Gary to give him a greater quality of life and move him towards the goals hat he wish to obtain there are a number of options that are available to them. There are a number of perspectives that could be considered when looking at the situation of Gary, we can look at through the eyes of the Social Model of Disability (K217 Book2), Sigma (Goffman 1968) , empowerment (K217 Book 3). When looking at Gary's situation I am applying the Social Model of disability which was created by disabled people themselves.This was primarily created as a result of the response that society has given to disabled peopl e and also a reflection of the experience that disabled people have come across in the health and welfare system which as given them a feeling of being socially isolated and oppressed. The second perspective that I am going to apply to this report is empowerment, this gives the service user greater control of the services that they receive, being involved in the planning of services and developing good practice. (Barnes and Bowl, 2001) DiscussionIn the case study that this report is based upon Gary has been in a serious car accident that has deprived him of the use of his legs and this now means that he can only get around with the use of a wheelchair. This situation has had a knock on effect of him have a low sense of self-worth and a lack of pride in his situation, he suffers from depression and is taking medication for this. Radar (the disability network) and Depression Alliance commissioned a report (http://www. depressionalliance. org/PDF/depression-disability-and-employment-re port. df) that looked into depression as a disability and how we can improve the way we look at depression and the changes we can make to help reduce job, long term economic inactivity and isolation. Of the 566 people who answered 95% were living with depression and a quarter (148) people had a long term physical health condition. 77% of the people reported that they had not received any support with employment. Gary is living with a type of disability which is difficult, most disabled people are not depressed and do not stay depressed.The prevalence of depression among disabled adults is twice that of healthy older adults (Beekman AT, 2002), the relationship between depression and disability is a two way street with depression there being a link between physical disabilities and depressive symptoms in older adults (Gill TM,Kurland B 2003). There is clear evidence that Gary has on the onset of depression that can be linked to the impact of the loss of his legs in his car accident an d with him now socially isolated and without employment these have now added to the problems over a period of time.In a report by Tania Burchardt called †Enduring economic exclusion' Disabled people,income and work' the study found out that disabled people now make up a large and growing proportion of people who are of working age, it now stands between 12 and 16% (Enduring economic exclusion Page. 4) One telling statistic is the problems that disabled people have getting work, and that one third of those disabled people who find employment are out of work once again the following year.In the report by Tania Burchardt the income statistics show that half of all disabled people have incomes below the general population indicator of poverty after it was factored in about the additional cost that disabled people incur due to their health. Gary wants to gain access to retraining so he can move towards gaining employment once again after he becomes qualified in the sector that he w ishes, to do this he is going to need some extra help from the local Conway Council to get to his goals.Conway Adult Social Services have a number of options that they promote that may be of assistance to Gary, they already give him care to help him get bathed and his daughter and son-in-law take up the care duties in the morning. Conwy can provide Homecare that can help with a range of things such as help getting up, getting dressed, preparing meals, doing laundry and shopping where appropriate (http://www. conwy. gov. uk/upload/public/attachments/466/Microsoft_Word__CCO_Leaflet_eng. df) . Gary would need to be assessed as to the level of care that he would be entitled to also considered as to the possibility of equipment or adaptions that could be made to the home to help him live more independently and safely in his home. Though Gary is set on this course of action his daughter and son-in-law have reservations about his age and the amount of care that she could give her father du e to her own family commitments.His daughters view point about his age and the fact that any new employer might demand to much from him is really being based on his disability and not solely based on is age (K217, Book 2). There should be no denial of opportunities or restriction of choice based on assumptions that are made due to his disability. Through the social model disability is understood as an unequal relationship within society and there can be no barriers preventing people from gaining equal access to information, education and employment.There are options that perhaps he has not considered and with him feeling socially isolated due to living alone and his lack of contact with the outside world. Conwy Council Adult Social Services promotes day care or opportunities to meet other people and take part in outings and other activities so Gary would be able to haver a much more active life that would could help with the depression he is suffering. (http://www. conwy. gov. uk/up load/public/attachments/466/Microsoft_Word__CCO_Leaflet_eng. pdf) The principles of good practice (http://www. nderstandingindividualneeds. com/page. php? identity=principles) state that you have to give Gary a choice about the way in which he wishes to move forward and also take into consideration his emotional needs. Social development is about gaining relationships with a variety of people and taking part in an ordinary life and currently Gary is unable to obtain these basic rights. Gregory Beattie talks about how a depressed individual has a lack of socialization and social support groups (Beattie, Gregory,S. 2005) Social Causes of Depression) and Gary has a lacking in both these things as he is unable to access them. If Gary was to obtain the extra help that he is going to need to obtain the goals that he has set himself a consultation with both himself and his family is going to be needed as to ascertain as to realistic goals that can be set. There would be a negative impact o n Gary should he set himself unobtainable goals that he then fails to obtain, this would be damaging to the situation.Statistics show that disabled people have a lower overall level of qualifications when compared to that of able bodied people (Employment of disabled people DoEE) 38% of disabled people have no qualifications compared to only 16% of non-disabled people. The report also concluded that of the 2,015 disabled people that were spoken to (26,000 households in total) 64% strongly agreed and 29% agreed that getting a job was important to them so the statistics show that it is important for disabled people to be in employment. 47% of the economically inactive disabled people who see themselves as being able to work would like a paid job.When speaking about Gary's visions of eventually going back into work his daughter has reservations incase he is taken advantage of by his employer and in the report one in six people (16%) who are economically active stated that they have exp erienced unfair treatment or discrimination in the work place. When looking at the overall statistics you can see that 42% report that that they have been discriminated by a potential employer and 41% by an employer, these figures speak volumes and during any assessment they will need to be presented to Gary so that he can see the real picture in the job market for disabled people.The option of Direct Payments is one that should be explored with Gary and when he is assessed for the amount of care that he needs the options should be discussed at length, direct payments have both good and bad points and do not fit everyone. As direct payments will mean Gary being responsible for a number of things it also might be advantageous to also consult with his daughter and son-in-law to see if they would be interested in perhaps helping Gary should he need it.Radar the disability network have produced a fact sheet that the family may find useful (http://www. radar. org. uk/wp-content/uploads/2 011/06/6_directpayments. pdf) , the fact sheet points out how Gary would become and employer and all the responsibility that comes as well as all the paper work he will be required to keep. He will need to consider if he wishes to have the work load of sorting out all the pay, dismissal, redundancy just to name a few of the obligations that he would have to meet as an employer to a personal assistant.The other option open to Gary is to place the care that he requires in the hands of an agency or self employed to take the burden of work away from himself and organise his care around his specific needs. Bringing Gary into the centre of this assessment into his care will empower him to participate (K217 Book 3) Jones and Meleis describe the concept of empowerment as ‘a social process of recognizing, promoting, and enhancing people's abilities to meet their own needs,solve their own problems, and mobilize necessary resources to take control of their own lives (Jones PS, Meleis 199 3).The empowering of Gary will start a process of helping him assert greater control over the factors that affect his health, in the past it was assumed that service users were supposed to be compliant with the directives that were in place from the health care professional's-the biomedical model. In the empowerment model there is a contact between Gary and the provider who take a joint responsibility in terms of agreed upon outcomes, people within the health care profession are obliged to respect Gary and assist him in making decisions.Multiple studies have shown that people that are more involved with the decisions about the care that they receive and also the management of the conditions that they live have better outcomes than those who are not involved in the process (Wagner EH,Glasgow RE,Davis C, 2001) (Greenfield S, Kaplan SH,Ware JE Jr, 1988). Conclusions and Recommendations In this report we have been looking at the situation that Gary is currently experiencing, he is a dis abled person who lost the use of his legs in a car accident some years ago and lives alone now after a divorce.He is looking at the possibility of getting some higher education and hopes to move into employment in the information technology sector, it has already been stated that daughter and son-in-law have reservations about this course of action due doubts about the ex-work colleague of Gary's that is offering him employment and the problems that this will present to her care giving situation.The report has looked at the links between depression, disability and joblessness and we have shown that there are links between these elements that are making Gary's life move difficult but also you must take into consideration that fact that Gary is very socially isolated. The report then looked at the option of direct payments and how Gary's care could be changed so he will have more control and power over his care and become the central focal point so he can move towards a more independe nt life and obtaining the goals that he is setting for himself.The report looked at all the pro's and con's on the direct payment system and all the extra paperwork and responsibility that comes with employing someone and how records must be kept and these funds are public money have to be accounted for. My recommendations are the following, Gary should have his care plan reassessed by Conwy County council Adult social services with the remit of looking at the possibility of changing the level of care that Gary currently is getting and exploring the possibility of Direct Payments as an option.There should also be consultation with his daughter and son-in-law (with the relevant permissions) and have them present to discuss any and all options. Please present all options to Gary as regard to becoming a greater part of the community and providing information on the day care that you and provide and any opportunities to meet other people and take part in outings and other activities tha t your local authority provides to people within the county.A list of approved providers in the local area should be presented to Gary and also discuss the various support networks that you have for carers and also the options of homecare that you provide including help with getting up,getting dressed, preparing meals and shopping etc. Gary may need the help from the benefits advice centre as regard to making sure he is getting all that he is entitled to and though outside your remit perhaps access to DLA to help with transportation needs. 2789 References http://www. ork. ac. uk/inst/spru/pubs/pdf/newvision. pdf accessed 31/05/2012 The Open University (2010) K217 Adult health,social care and wellbeing, Book 2, Milton Keynes, The Open University Goffman, E. (1968) Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, Harmondsworth, Penguin The Open University (2010) K217 Adult health,social care and wellbeing, Book 2, Milton Keynes, The Open University Barnes, M. and Bowl, R. (2001) T aking over the Asylum: Empowerment and Mental Health, Basingstoke, Palgrave.Meager N,Bates P,Dench S,Honey S,Williams M,(1998) Employment of Disabled People:Assessing the Extent of Participation, Research report RR69, Department of Education and Employment. http://www. depressionalliance. org/PDF/depression-disability-and-employment-report. pdf accessed 31/05/2012 Beekman AT, Penninx DJ,Deeg DJ, de Beurs E, Geerling SW, van Tilburg W (2002) The Impact of depression on the well-being,disability and use of service in older adult: a longitudinal perspective, 105:20-27 Department of Psychiatry, Vrije University Amsterdam.Gill TM,Kurland B (2003) The burden of patterns of disability in activities of daily living among the community-living older persons, 58:70-75, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,New Haven, Connecticut. http://www. jrf. org. uk/sites/files/jrf/1859353274. pdf (Enduring economic exclusion) accessed 01/06/2012 http://www. conwy. gov. uk/up load/public/attachments/466/Microsoft_Word__CCO_Leaflet_eng. pdf accessed 01/06/2012 http://www. understandingindividualneeds. com/page. php? identity=principles accessed 02/06/2012

Friday, August 30, 2019

Why Do We Judge Each Other’s Speech?

â€Å"Why do we as human beings’ pass judgment on each other for doing what comes natural to us like eating? I believe that it’s because some of us are scared to take the time to understand what the other party is trying to say, and these are my reasons why. First, the Dictionary defines the word Speech: as the faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to express one's thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture. The dictionary also defines the word Language: as a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition. So by those two definitions we should be able to express our thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture to people who are within our same community or nation, but why does the dictionary state or in between community and nation? Is it because we can speak to one another with the same tone and or accent that other states or countries do not or is it something else? I’m going to leave that answer to you. Second, accent now there’s a word that will help shed some lite on the situation. Accent: the stress of a syllable in terms of differential loudness, or of pitch, or length, or of a combination of these. But is not America made up of different individuals from different nations i. e. Germany, France, Dutch, England, etc. coming together to live as one in peace. I was reading somewhere that the language of regional states is made up of patchwork from different countries that migrated to America. Being that all these countries arrived in America would it be a safe assumption that these same countries adopted the English language as well as vice versa. Maybe with all these countries intergraded into our society it hard to understand witch language to speak? Third, now a days the regions of America are broken up into four groups Eastern, western, mid-western, and southern with every region having their own language, and everyone believes that the other cities/states has the accent not theirs, but through it all there is one language that Americans can agree upon as the master language witch is Blue Collar (Standard English). There are two types of Blue Collar English the original version (The Queans English) and the adopted English we use in America. Both are accepted across the world, and we can understand each other, but The Queans English pronounce its syllables better then American English. Fourth, with in America there are two types of English Standard and Non Standard with Standard English being the dominant language. One cannot receive a well-paying job without learning and speaking Blue Collar English, one cannot be accepted within the Blue Collar community without learning, and speaking Blue Collar English. It is ok to speak nonstandard English within your community, but to get ahead in our society we must learn, read, write, and speak Standard English. These are the standards that we placed upon ourselves is it right some say no, but a lot of other people disagree. Finally, although I’ve been all over the world and tried to understand the culture and dialect of these different countries I’m no better than everyone else I think that my country is the best and we have the best language in the world. Does that make me a bad person no but I do have a lot to work on to better myself as a human.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Strategic Management of Amazon Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Management of Amazon - Research Paper Example ompanies in the Internet space), Adobe eBook Reader (with this collaboration Amazon beat a major advantage of its competitor, it is estimated that the e-book will be in a few years cheaper than a physical book, and it is already known that this new medium has created its own public, which wants to penetrate). By entering in the European market, it has broadened its customer database, it has compressed transport and distribution costs of orders and it has improved the levels of customer service, thus gaining a significant share of the global market. It expands its customer base to new markets in order to augment its profit margin (the structure exists - it has a powerful customer database - it introduces new products - it penetrates new Internet markets - it improves its profit margin). Amazon is very profitable. ... The decrease in profits was due to special customer promotions. Amazon locks-in the customer by offering him value through original - innovative value added services and it enhances continuously the content of its webpage. Amazon does not sell in the traditional way, it offers customized service. If indeed, we take account of the fact that the confidence-loyalty of Internet customers is for many analysts of a kind of utopia, it is understood immediately that the strategy of is revolutionary. The company has built a large capital value part of which is its strong name - brand in the Internet and with the experience that it has gained, it manages to exploit its reputation to attract both customers and partners - suppliers by concluding strong relations - partnerships with many competitive advantages and benefits. For the customers and the suppliers are simply two different groups of customers who Amazon undertakes to interconnect by providing them with incentives and transaction facilities. The company is essentially an info broker. The company is an undisputed player in the world of on line cooperation, offering a wide range of programs. Through the continuous provision of incentives, it has managed to succeed and achieve various alliances and syndication makes the company ubiquitous in the Internet and so its brand is strengthened. has managed to transform its product markets into an easy and pleasant procedure mainly due to the use of IT and its innovative applications (1-click Technology).The appropriate use of technology favors the increase in sales by essentially contributing to the lock-in of the customer. Communication with the customer is of even greater value through the logistics procedures of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Information Systems Able To Support and Improve Transportation Systems Essay

Information Systems Able To Support and Improve Transportation Systems Before, During and After the Olympic Games in London This Summer - Essay Example The situation gets tricky whenever huge numbers of people are expected to move around the city at the same time. The summer Olympics presents one of the many transport challenges that London faces every so often. The fact that London started coming up a city long before cars were invented implies that its streets are suited for foot rather than the millions of cars that are likely to fill its streets during the Olympics. In fact, it has been predicted that the summer Olympics will see the largest ever crowd to fill the streets of London. Because of the expected visitors, the government and private organisations have embraced for hitherto unseen transport conditions and problems such as congestion. For London to deliver a great Olympics, the city and the country must be kept moving, prompting the government to urge businesses and the public to consider their travel options ahead of and during the games. Fortunately, advances in information technologies and information systems such as cloud technology will ensure that unnecessary movements are not only restricted during the games but also controlled by encouraging people such as journalists to use other technologies to capture events rather than be present at the venues (Emmelmann et al., 2010). That is, in addition to keeping commuters in their homes, journalists’ likelihood to stay at one area for long will be high as information systems will ensure they capture through live-streams, most of the events from one location while they remain at the venue of the events that interest them most. This paper explores the support that information systems will give to the transport system before, during and after the London Olympic games. Intelligent Transport Technologies A range of information technologies could prove useful in the management of the transport system during the London Olympics. From simple and basic information systems such as traffic control systems, car navigation, message signs, speed cameras a nd automatic number plate recognition to more complex technologies such as CCTV systems and other IT applications, which monitor data and feedbacks, information systems will be quite useful to the transport system during the Olympics in London. Among the more sophisticated information technologies that monitor data and feedbacks include parking guidance systems, bridge deicing systems and weather information and technologies that enable comparison with historical data (Chowdhury & Sadek, 2003). Computational technologies such as floating car data or floating cellular data are relatively cheap data collection techniques that the Transport for London (TfL) could use to support transport systems during the Olympics. The data collected by these technologies relate to travel time and speeds of vehicles on streets, highways, freeways, and other transportation routes (IanVisits, 2012). There are three major methods by which information technologies may be used to gather transport data. The se techniques include the triangulation, the vehicle re-identification and the GPS-based methods. In modern times, most car users travel with their phones in their cars. Information on the presence of these phones is always transmitted to mobile networks whenever there are no voice connections. That is, as a vehicle moves, the signals on the mobile phones therein also move. Through the analysis of these mobile phone signals using triangulation, the obtained data could be used determine and control traffic flow (Chowdhury & Sadek, 2003). The triangulation method is thus quite an effective approach to supporting the transport system in London during the Olympics. The second technique, the vehicle re-i

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

SAT promt essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SAT promt - Essay Example Mother Teresa was an ethnic Albanian, Catholic nun who arrived in India in 1931. Seeing all the poverty, pain and disease around her, she really doubted whether she will be able to make a difference in the life of the suffering humanity that surrounded her. She had no funds at her disposal and no material means to support her plans. To get over this problem, this brave Catholic nun devised a strategy. She decided to focus on the immediate person suffering before her, without getting disheartened by the big picture comprising of millions of suffering people. Hence, her mission which started with serving a single old man dying of leprosy in a gutter, gradually evolved into a big charity and this Catholic nun was able to bring happiness and peace to the life of millions of people. Especially in India, people harbor such respect for Mother Teresa that they fondly remember her as the Saint of the Gutters. The life of Mother Teresa not only teaches the value of being sincere and dedicated in the accomplishment of small things, but also stands as a beacon that warns the people who want to bring about a change in the world, to never get frustrated by admitting that they are too small to serve any pragmatic purpose. Most of the worthy endeavors mostly begin with a small act or gesture of kindness, courage or compassion. Nature has its own unique way of supporting the efforts of good people who intend to achieve a big goal by starting with small things. The overall impact of these small things when accumulated over time gives way to a surge of change that is too strong and too big to be restrained by obstacles, scarcities and resistance. It is quite possible that one would never have had a Mother Teresa in this world, if a frail Catholic nun in Calcutta would have got dismayed by the big size of suffering around her and would have given up on the very first old man that needed her help an d

Monday, August 26, 2019

Main Development in American Literature, Art, and Culture Essay

Main Development in American Literature, Art, and Culture - Essay Example As the report declares over the period 1820 to 1860 there was strong advocacy for abolition of slavery in America. The print media was a strong tool used to highlight the evils of slavery among abolition activists. However, it was never going to be an easy task to convince most white Americans that slavery was wrong and immoral because it was so much engraved in the history of the country. There was key debate to ratify constitution to put an end to slavery. The abolitionist movement was boosted second great religious revival that swept across America. Other issues debated around this time involved equality, morality of slavery, welfare of slaves and the agrarian way of life perpetuated by slave trade. The period often referred to as antebellum era was also marked by condemnation and victimization of slave abolition activists like Garrison of the Liberator newsletter both from the south and north of America.From this paper it is clear that  the war of 1812 coincided with the remova l of Indians in the areas of Georgia and Alabama. But even before their removal could be complete, mass movements of immigrants started moving to the west mainly due to availability of cheap land and easy credit. First to arrive in the west included drifters and squatters.  Mass settlement in the west continued and by 1820 population in western states of Illinois, Ohio and Indiana had soured.  The westward flow was slowed down by financial panic in 1819.... The period often referred to as antebellum era was also marked by condemnation and victimization of slave abolition activists like Garrison of the Liberator newsletter both from the south and north of America. Outline significant developments in American westward expansion from the war of 1812 to the Mexican-American war. The war of 1812 coincided with the removal of Indians in the areas of Georgia and Alabama. But even before their removal could be complete, mass movements of immigrants started moving to the west mainly due to availability of cheap land and easy credit. First to arrive in the west included drifters and squatters. Mass settlement in the west continued and by 1820 population in western states of Illinois, Ohio and Indiana had soured. However, the westward flow was slowed down by financial panic in 1819. Road construction and the Erie Canal in 1825 shifted the direction of migration with Detroit, Cleveland and Chicago becoming major ports. The same expansion was also b eing witnessed in the southern gulf plains fuelled by excellent climate for cotton and availability of slavery (Billington and Ridge, 41-42). By 1824, Americans and Mexican used to live together in Texas. By 1836, some Texans wanted to be on their own and free from Mexico and wanted to make their own laws. As a result, the Republic of Texas was formed. However, General Santa Anna, the leader of Mexico did not want Texas to be independent and free resulting in massive killing in Alamo in San Antonio. This sparked retaliation from America with Mexico being overpowered and Texas become part of America (Raabe, 6). In your understanding of Francis Frederic’s life experience, what were the most revealing episodes and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Effects of alum sludge and its application to farmland Research Paper

Effects of alum sludge and its application to farmland - Research Paper Example Even though I developed the insights within time constraints for completing the research, a reflection of the elements and further research has increased my knowledge and skills in completing a research report, a basis upon which I evaluate my research report. The most positive aspect of my experience in the research is completion of the research section. My preliminary research into the research identified significance of the results section and my efforts met the section’s role of describing collected data comprehensively. My results section described collected data from the experiment and offered necessary insights such as the optimal pH level for phosphorous absorption, 12, and negative effects of alum sludge on the level slaking and dispersion of soil. Data analysis section is another aspect of the experience that has highly positive (Ward, n.d.). The methods section however identifies the least positive aspects of the research experience. I was not able to incorporate essentials of the section’s elements such as definition of research design, research methods, data collection tools and their reliability and validity, as well as threats of researcher’s bias. My introduction into the report also failed to identify a research problem and research objectives and my literature review was not sufficient to establish a problem statement towards research questions and hypothesis into informed methodology (Rudestam and Newton, 2007; Gravetter and Forzano, 2010). Methodology section is the most significant area that I most plan to improve in because while it is core to the research process and determines validity and reliability of collected data besides the ability to collect desired data for analysis, the section was poorly developed. Even though its scope is wide, I have identified each of the aspects that must be considered for a proper methodology section. I therefore

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignments - Essay Example Sporadic outbreak of serious epidemics demands maximum service from the health care sector. The role of nurses becomes crucial at this juncture. A nursing student should be well trained in epidemic management and care. So it is advisable for nursing students to attend such epidemic stricken areas as part of their curriculum. Caring older people is an important aspect of nursing job. The geriatric community is very vulnerable and hence dealing with them requires good training. Usually the elder people are dependent both physically and mentally. Attending to the patient’s nutritional intake, personal hygiene and mobility is a time consuming process. Once they are with the elder patients they get to know them better, especially their individual personality. In addition to these elderly patients suffer from conditions like dementia. Interacting with such patients with mental dependence demands a lot of patience from the nurse’s part. Assignments 1st Assignment Different com munities have their own specific traditions which will be very useful in treating them. Many ethnic medical practices were found to be useful in modern medicine. A close observation of the tribal community opens the storehouse of ethnomedicine and native wisdom. The tribal people are aware of many herbs which have medicinal value and can be used as panacea to many fatal illnesses. In addition to this, knowing the customs and manners of a community makes the interaction with them easier. For that, a trip to any ethnic religious ceremony or family function can be included in the course. â€Å"At a practical level, nurses must be cognizant that culture affects individual and collective experiences that are directly and indirectly related to health† (Singleton & Krause, 2009). This helps the student to experience the intensity of family relationship and moral values particular to that group. This knowledge can be useful for the nurse to make necessary arrangements for them in the hospital when they come for treatment later in life. Knowing more about other culture and customs can help the student improve his outlook about the world, thus broadening the frontiers of knowledge on traditions, religion and languages. As a result of this program the student develops; 1. Awareness of the cultural background of the patient 2. Sensitivity to the cultural needs of the patient 3. Expertise in implementing culturally based strategies to provide better health care 2nd Assignment The need for serving an epidemic affected community can be best illustrated by analyzing the activities of a nurse in an epidemic outbreak like Malaria. In such a situation, a nurse is required to have expertise in taking the medical history of the patient, collecting blood samples, should have an idea of the therapeutic guidelines in treating the disease. The nurse should also know vector management and control, and record keeping and documentation of medical information. While engaging in epi demic management, the student learns to give health promotion guidelines to patients to remain alert in preventing further outbreaks. This rapid assessment of epidemic involves ‘assessment of current circumstances and scope of the damage’ (Veenema, 2007, p. 182). In addition to this, they learn the different follow up techniques to be used among the patients in the post outbreak period. As part of their course, they can keep a record of their activities in the endemic affected area. This

Analysis of Walden Paddlers company business model Assignment

Analysis of Walden Paddlers company business model - Assignment Example Problems (1-3 problems) Walden Paddlers Company has been facing the following problems namely: 1. Whether the company should remaining being operated by two people, become a virtual corporation 2. Problem of finding alternative products 3. The problem of finding potential markets (Yang, 2015). Existing Alternatives Walden Paddlers Company had the following options; 1. Focus on kayak market and produce limited number of orders 2. Execute aggressive Kayak market expansion 3. Diversify into other recreational products. Solutions to each problem 1. The company grew tremendously, creating a need to grow virtually which made it able to reach customers located in different parts of the world 2. The company found a new alternative product called paddlers that were cheaper and affordable. 3. The Kayak market was full of giant companies; Walden focused on retail market segment and targeted school and college students (Yang, 2015) Key Metrics The key parameters, in this case, that shows the com pany success include; increase in revenues and sales volumes. i). Helping people to pursue outdoor paddling pleasure in a healthy way ii). To provide clean and suitable living by recycling waste products iii).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Litigation, mediation, arbitration response Essay

Litigation, mediation, arbitration response - Essay Example major advantages of litigation is that it empowers people to come forward to take legal actions against abusers even after several years of the real incident. When the term ‘abuse’ is taken in broader sense, it involves physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, verbal abuse, financial abuse, social abuse etc. In that context, many of these issues can be sensibly resolved through arbitration and mediation. Hoffman (2nd post) has logically pointed out the swiftness of arbitration in his post. Arbitration in many situations increases the scope of immediate conclusion and reasonable settlement as compared to other alternatives. Hoffman’s view on litigation seems right, for all that matter in litigation is ‘to win over the other’ rather than getting justice. Ferdinand (3rd post) has technical knowledge in all forms of dispute resolutions. Although people consider litigation as the final alternative of resolution, it does not mean that a party cannot later return to an arbitrator or mediator for settlement. 1. The major function of the agency in which I work is to help people resolve issues associated with rent arrears. Admittedly, the dispute resolution service is operational, and it often replaces the formal courts and tribunal hearings with mediation and arbitration. How efficiently and swiftly an issue is settled depends on numerous factors including but not limited to the complexity of the issue, its nature, time required for documentation, position of the parties concerned etc. However, the average time taken for arbitration is three or four months whereas cases that deemed to be more serious are often given priority. since ‘seeking possession’ (The legal way of getting a person evicted) involves several procedures like getting a court order, notice of possession, notice of eviction etc landlords tend to choose third party arbitration. Hence, with regard to rent arrears issues, arbitration has been found more effective way when compared

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Weather Symbolism in a Farewell to Arms Essay Example for Free

Weather Symbolism in a Farewell to Arms Essay Snow In A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway attempts to tell the unvarnished truth about war — to present an honest, rather than a heroic, account of combat, retreat, and the ways in which soldiers fill their time when they are not fighting. Yet Hemingways realistic approach to his subject does not rule out the use of many time-honored literary devices. For instance, weather is to this day a fundamental component of the war experience. Hemingway depicts weather realistically in A Farewell to Arms, but he uses it for symbolic purposes as well. Rain, often equated with life and growth, stands for death in this novel, and snow symbolizes hope: an entirely original schema. In stories such as To Build a Fire, by Jack London, snow and ice quite logically represent danger and death. After all, one can freeze to death, fall through thin ice and drown, or perish beneath an avalanche. In Chapter II of A Farewell Arms, on the other hand, it is snow that ends the fighting described in the books first chapter. Thus snow stands for safety rather than its opposite. (Note, though, that although snow covers the bare ground and even the Italian armys artillery in Chapter II, stumps of oak trees torn up by the summers fighting continue to protrude — a reminder that winter is of course not permanent but merely a reprieve from combat, a cease-fire.) Shortly thereafter, Frederic Henry describes the priests home region of Abruzzi as a place where the roads were frozen and hard as iron, where it was clear and cold and dry and the snow was dry and powdery . . . , and the context leaves no doubt that this characterization is a positive one. Late in the novel, the argument between the Swiss policemen over winter sports not only provides much-needed comic relief; it also marks the beginning of Henry and Catherine Barkleys second idyll. (The first takes place in summertime, in Milan.) Immediately afterwards, Henry and Catherine find themselves in the Swiss Alps, with snow all around. Thus they have temporarily achieved a life of both purity (the mountains symbolize purity  in this novel, versus the corruption of the lowlands) and safety. These chapters positively radiate contentment. Rain Starting in the very first chapter of A Farewell to Arms, rain clearly symbolizes death: In the fall when the rains came the leaves all fell from the chestnut trees and the branches were bare and the trunks black with rain, Henry tells us. The vineyards were thin and bare-branched too and all the country wet and brown and dead with autumn. The rain symbolism is not entirely a literary conceit, either, as rain actually precedes an outbreak of fatal illness, the cholera that kills seven thousand that fall. Later, during their Milan idyll, Catherine makes the symbolism of the rain explicit for Henry — and for the reader: Im afraid of the rain because sometimes I see myself dead in it, she says to him. And sometimes I see you dead in it. Lo and behold, during Henry and Catherines trip from the armorers to the hotel near the train station on his last night with her, the fog that has covered the city from the start of the chapter turns to rain. It continues to rain as they bid one another farewell; in fact, Catherines last act in this part of the novel is to signal to Henry that he should step in out of the rain. Back at the front, the trees were all bare and the roads were muddy. It rains almost continuously during the chapter when the tide of battle turns and the Italians begin their retreat from Caporetto — and from the Germans who have joined the fighting. The rain turns to snow one evening, holding out hope that the offensive will cease, but the snow quickly melts and the rain resumes. During a discussion among the drivers about the wine they are drinking with dinner, the driver named Aymo says, To-morrow maybe we drink rainwater. Hemingway by this time has developed the rain symbolism to such a degree that the reader experiences a genuine sense of foreboding — and indeed, the following day will bring death to Henrys disintegrating unit. It is raining while the fugitive Henry rides the train to Stresa, raining  when he arrives, and raining while Henry and Catherine spend the night together in his hotel room. The open-boat trip across Lake Maggiore takes place in the rain, with an umbrella used as a sail. (Ominously, the umbrella breaks.) And in Chapter XL, as Henry and Catherine are bidding farewell to their wintertime mountain retreat for the city in which Catherines baby is to be born, Henry tells us that In the night it started raining. Finally, when Henry leaves the hospital for lunch during Catherines protracted, agonizing delivery, The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through — a literal ray of hope. During the operation, however, he looks out the window and sees that it is raining. Just after the nurse has told him that the baby is dead, Henry looks outside again and could see nothing but the dark and the rain falling across the light from the window. At the novels end, Henry leaves the hospital and walks back to his hotel in the rain. In fact, the final word in A Farewell to Arms is rain, evidence of weathers important place in the story overall. Hemingway doesnt quite trust us to detect the rain/snow pattern of symbolism and understand its meaning; therefore he underlines the significance of precipitation in his book by having Catherine tell Henry that she sees them dead in the rain. And so the weather symbolism in A Farewell to Arms is perhaps unnecessarily obvious. Yet Hemingways use of this literary device is hardly rote symbolism for its own sake. Rain and snow both drive his plot and maintain our interest, as we hold our breaths every time it rains in the novel, praying that Catherine will not perish during that scene. (We know that Henry will survive the rain, because he is the storys narrator.) Thus, while writing a brutally realistic saga of life during wartime, Ernest Hemingway also crafted a novel as literary as the great-war stories that preceded A Farewell to Arms. Arguably it is as powerful as any story ever told.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

File Transfer Protocol Ftp Information Technology Essay

File Transfer Protocol Ftp Information Technology Essay File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used mainly in transferring files from one computer to another through the internet, it can also be used to manipulate or exchange files over a TCP/IP based network such as a local area network (LAN) or via the internet. One general use of FTP is to make download and upload of files very easy without directly dealing with the client or server operating system. This means an authorised remote FTP user is able to carry out some extra tasks as editing a file, change a file name, move file from one directory to another and much more (Zadjali, 2010). In most cases, a vast majority of people or organizations who use FTP often have some shared large files which relate to a particular project stored on a file server, access to these remote files are mainly derived through authenticated FTP client or an anonymous user. FTP, without its flaws has proved to be very effective in file transfer (upload and download) and this feature is particularly vital to carry out some much needed tasks since there are tendencies that continuous communication with the satellite is unavoidable. FTP is as a result of an RFC (request for comment) first drafted in the 1970s and has only gone through some few changes. With this in mind, we can have further discussions on how FTP works, have a little discussion on its flaws, and finally see what can be done to avoid some of the well-known draw backs of FTP. FTP has evolved from its original purpose of just a file transferring protocol to a tool used for a far wider range of functions on the World Wide Web and in specialized application with some revision releases as the years passes by, therefore in our own case FTP can be used as a means of sending or manipulating a file containing critical code that is vital to the operation and or functioning of the satellite system whenever the need arises. How FTP Works Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are the backbone of the internet; TCP is responsible for or manages data transfer while IP helps to direct traffics to internet addresses. FTP is an underling of TCP and shuttles files back and forth between FTP server and FTP client, for FTP to work properly it requires that two ports be opened; one is the listening port of the server usually on port 21, this port listens for an incoming connection from the client machine. A successful connection from the client to this port then forms the control stream through which commands from the client machine are passed to the server and in return replies are collected. The FTP server on the other hand then opens a corresponding port connection to the client usually on port 20 for data transfer, the separation of ports for commands and data transfer makes FTP more effective (Oxbridge Graduate, -). When using the normal active mode the FTP client relays to the server all the information needed for the server to communicate back; some of the basic information includes the port number and IP address upon which it will listen to receive corresponding information from the FTP server. This information sent from the client, that is the PORT and IP are sent as an argument to the FTP server in a format H1,H2,H3,H4,P1,P2. Each of the given field represents 8bits of the host IP, followed by the data port chosen by the client machine. For example a client that has an IP address listening on port number 49154 for the data connection from the server will usually send a command PORT 192,168,0,1,192,2. The port field is then interpreted as P1*256+P2 of which in this example is calculated as 192*256+2=49154. Normally the in-built firewall on our systems prevents internet sites or external system from initiating file transfer to our computer (the computer behind the router), and this is the way passive mode of the FTP server works. To get around this obstacle one must make use of the PASV command which help to reverse the FTP process; this reverse process allows the computer behind the firewall initiate the transfer process by sending the PASV command to which the server in return would reply with a something like 299 Entering Passive Mode (,192,52) (Oxbridge Graduate, -). PASV FTP can also be used as a security measure to prevent unwanted external files from being downloaded into the system. In the real sense, when using passive mode, the FTP server opens a dynamic port and sends the client machine all necessary information to facilitate the connection, these are the port number on which it is listening and the IP address to connect to (this information usually is a 16 bit value split into a high and low bites as described above) and wait for the client to initiate the connection. Connection in this case requires that the client binds the source port of the connection to a dynamic port. While data is either being uploaded or downloaded through the data stream, the control stream always remains idle and such scenario can cause some problem especially if the files being transmitted is large. A system firewall is designed to time out/terminate sessions after a lengthy period of idleness, meaning although the large file is expected to go through but may be terminated because of the time it will take for the transfer to be completed causing an error (Oxbridge Graduate, -). Effect of Latency on FTP Latency or network delay can be considered as the amount of time delay caused by every element involved in the transfer of data/packet through a particular network path beginning from the initiation point to the destination device. The time taken for each sent packet to be acknowledged is measured as Round Trip Time (RTT) or Round Trip Latency, and latency RTT causes FTP to slow down considering the time it will take for satellite communication to be established and file transfer to be acknowledged, this can be into hundreds or thousands of milliseconds of RTT depending on the bandwidth capacity and the orbiting distance of our satellite. TCP/IP is as of today the most widely deployed internet protocol in existence, consequently FTP being the protocol responsible for file transfer and operates underneath TCP has been found to inherit the drawbacks of TCP/IP. (Unlimi-Tech Software Inc., 2010) One way Latency R S SIN Round Trip Latency ACK Figure : A typical TCP session showing round trip latency Major Acting Elements of Latency Latency as a factor is mainly made up of three (3) major elements that can significantly impact the end-to-end latency, these elements include: Queuing delay Propagation delay Serialization delay Queuing delay is the total sum of all delays caused whenever packets are received, stored and transmitted using queues. This form of delay has been found to be the most variable form of delay in modern networks, and it also depends on the queue length and the number of queues in that particular route; for instance in a congested and heavily loaded network the queue will be long and the queuing delay will be directly proportional to the queue. In several cases this alone will contribute the greatest in the overall latency, but considering networks that are less congested this delay would often not have any meaningful impact (TCPing, 2007). Propagation delay is the time it will take a packet/signal to physically navigate a given path; this delay is linked directly with the distance between a sending and receiving device. Even on a high performing network, the overall latency is commonly affected by the propagation delay and hence cannot be considerably reduced. How consistent the propagation delay is can be greatly dependent on the route signals have to navigate. A direct connection (static route) would in most cases ensure an equally constant latency since no route changes is required but on the other hand a dynamic route will tend to result to more latency variation (TCPing, 2007). Serialization delay is the necessary delay required of a sender to transmit a packet or signal onto the outbound queue, for an available bandwidth and a given packet size serialization delay is a constant and can be calculated by dividing the packet size (in bits) by the available bandwidth (in bits per second) (TCPing, 2007). It is only reasonable to talk about jitter after analysing some of its contributing factors; jitter is the variation in packet transportation or variation in the time between packet arrival caused by queuing, propagation and serialization effect on the packet path through the network, another popular cause of jitter is the electromagnetic interference (EMI). Generally higher amount of jitter will tend to take place on heavily congested or slow network. To understand what jitter really means, one must remember that computer data be it in the form of pictures, text, video or audio are sent out in manageable packets with footers and headers that help to indicate the correct order of the packets when it gets to its destined system for playback. When a jitter occurs, the code to re-assemble the data packets may be lost or some data packets itself may Effect of Packet Loss on FTP A typical packet loss occurs when a packet travelling from one end of the network never made its way to the other due to

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Influence of culture on fashion

Influence of culture on fashion â€Å"The more we learn about culture the greater our understanding of the future of global consumerism in Fashion.† Fashion industry is all about making fashion statements. The industry runs on the motto to be different, stylish, edgy as well as continuous changes in every season of every year. Fashion to customers is being different from the crowd or making a statement by using clothing and accessories that set them apart. Fashion industry is getting more expensive with passing time. In the United States, around 250 billion dollars is spent on fashion and accessories like bag, shoe, etc. (Anon., 2012) When fashion industry is concerned, culture is an integral part of it. Fashion and culture goes hand in hand. Our clothes are a source of non-verbal communication which send messages about who we are, where we come from, what we do and etc. Overall, fashion is a way of expressing ourselves through our clothing and accessories. People try to stay â€Å"in fashion† and they are mostly influenced by popular culture which is reflection of cultural forces as well as social factors. Global consumerism: Widespread use of the internet and communications are changing how and on what people spend their money. This phenomenon has led to emergence of the global citizens who participate in the global marketplace through multinational corporations offering brands which meet their ever changing needs. (Byrnes, 2007, p. 1) This combination of global culture and global connectivity can be defined as globalization. Globalization has created a market with no border and as a result culture is running free in this new era. Now a day, we can see Indian food in every city of the globe or people living in Western countries are wearing ethnic clothes. Consumption is an action that varies from culture to culture. (Byrnes, 2007, p. 2) The result of adopting consumption related values on a worldwide scale has been referred to as a ‘global consumer culture’. Global consumer culture is â€Å"shared sets of consumption-related symbols such as product categories, brands, and common consumption activities†. (Lee, 2006) Global fashion consumerism: The global fashion industry is growing and changing at an incredible rate. According to a study in 2010, Dubai was supposed to reach $655 billion in textile and apparel trade which is 6% of global exports. The data indicates how fashion is evolving in the era of globalization. UAE was the biggest market for Swiss watches in 2013 and had increased 23% year-on-year to $835 million. (Wyne, 2013) This data shows the shift it global fashion consumerism. Meaning, now the Middle East has started emerging as the fashion hub though New York and Paris are still considered as fashion cities of the world. This change has been possible because of UAE’s vast amount of disposable income and also the influence of western culture in the people’s mind. Cultural influence on fashion: It is important to know the influence of culture on fashion industry and to foresee cultural and social movements in order to comprehend the fashion environment. Fashion is not an isolated factor of clothing or accessories but it is connected to our life in every aspect and among them culture is the most significant. Fashion goes further than clothing and into the manner we desire to live our lives.Meaning, fashion influences our lifestyle. Fashion is influenced by cultural changes, such as modernization, art and even technological innovation. There is an apparent interaction of shifts in consumer lifestyle, fashion and culture.It is essential to realize that fashion is made by people living in different cultures and different locations. If we want to understand fashion and its trend then it is necessary to understand what surround us in terms of the way we live. It is our society and culture which is our surrounding and they are the ones which influence our lifestyle. Development of new fashions has mainly three sources in terms of culture. They are: High culture, low culture and pop culture. (Anon., 2010) 1. High culture means elite activities like visual art, auditory art, and applied art like photography, design and architecture. In terms of influencing fashion inspiration, these sources bring new types of ideas and concepts to the designers. How art impacts fashion can be seen in the Louis Vuitton partnership with quite a few contemporary artists, like Takeshi Murakami or Stephen Sprouse, who had embellished Louis Vuitton Monogram bags in the past. 2. Pop culture or popular culture, is a cultural segment, which is followed, appreciated and understood by a larger portion of the world audience. Usually it is highly influenced by movie or music celebrities. This type of culture is seen as a mercantile culture which is produced at a mass level for mass consumption.An example of how pop culture influences our lifestyle and our fashion can be seen by taking into account the most fashionable TV shows, like ‘Sex and the City’ and how everybody wanted to wear clothes like the central characters of the serial.With the progress of globalization, common trends of fashion are seen all around the globe (i.e. Levi’s jeans). 3. Low culture includes local street activities like graffiti or Hip Hop. The power of subculture to fashion can be seen clearly skateboard culture from the 70s to present day.It can be difficult to distinguish certain styles as subcultures because they are quickly (predominantly clothing and music) adopted by mass culture. For example, the Japanese Harajuko girls, who are teenagers, originally from Tokyo’s Harajuko district, who dress in a particular way. American singer Gwen Stefani named her 2005 world tour as well as her clothing line after these girls.In this way, a subculture or local culture has become a part of the global fashion and has been adopted by the global fashion market. (Anon., 2010) Macro and micro trends in fashion: Macro trends are drivers for 5-10 years whereas micro trends are drivers for 1-3 years. (Sheppard, 2014) Like most industries fashion industry is also shaped by macro and micro trends. Macro trend is a larger behavioral group and a micro trend is the mini fashion craze. Currently the micro trend is undoubtedly the skinny jeans, which is closely followed by leggings and footless tights. But a larger macro-trend for a while in the fashion has been ethical and environment friendly clothing and accessories. Trends come and go because of the impact of media in our lives. The hit US TV drama Mad Men, which is set in the early 1960s, has had a big influence on high street fashion. Actress Christina Hendricks has helped to bring back full skirts, longer hemlines, and cropped cardigans as well as almost single-handedly brought back the curvy fit in the fashion market. The micro trends are also changing because of the internet.(Anon., n.d.) Culture is made of factors like society, education, values, and norms and so on. Since, fashion deals with how we look and what we wear; it is largely influenced and controlled by culture. In the past, fashion was segmented and local culture influenced but with the emergence of globalization we are turning towards a more global fashion consumerism. This is why brands like Chanel, Burberry are seen in India, Thailand, and Dubai and so on. To understand the future of global fashion consumerism, we need to understand how people interpret fashion these days and whether they are influenced more by their own culture or popular culture. Though in countries like India, local culture plays a bigger influence on consumerism but still common people are seen wearing trendy clothes matching current global fashion. This shows the cultural difference among the people in the country. Thus, understanding the culture is very important for global fashion consumerism. Bibliography Anon., 2010. Cultural influences on trend forecasting. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 February 2015]. Anon., 2012. Fashion and Consumerism. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2015]. Anon., n.d. BUDGET STYLE TIPS: FASHION CYCLES. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 February 2015]. Byrnes, K., 2007. The Sharing of Culture: Global Consumerism. UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research. Lee, J.-W., 2006. Young consumers peceptions of multinational firms and they acculturation channels towards western products in transition economies. International Journal of Emerging Markets. Sheppard, S., 2014. FORECASTING THE FUTURE. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 February 2015]. Wyne, H., 2013. Consumerism, affluence fan UAEs fashion flames. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 February 2015].

Monday, August 19, 2019

Altruism: Our Desire to Help Others Essay -- Psychology

Over the endless cycles of generations, human life has lived up to its fundamental purpose of survival. Not only have we survived as a species, but we have evolved into the most complicated species on earth. Creatures riddled with mystery, emotion, morality; we have outdone ourselves in overcoming our basic reset function of survival. We originated in the mindset of survive and reproduce only to morph into a race rooted in emotion and intricate thought. Darwin’s theory, survival of the fittest, calculates that humans basic goal and reason of life is to survive, and reproduce; to have only ones self in mind. But why then, if natural selection filters us down to survival of the fittest, might one creature stick its neck out for another? Regardless of Darwin’s theory, we have evolved into a species in which our fundamentals are ‘good’ in nature; significantly outweighing our instinct of selfish survival. Over the years, science has been able to put the human selfish instinct to the test, and divulge the truth on why we help others. A method of selflessness called altruism is the belief in complete lack of selfishness in exchange for genuine concern for the well being of others. One of the most famous and haunting stories of a person engulfing themselves in this way of life is George Price. Throughout his life, George Price was a fluctuating and ever changing scientist. Accepted to Harvard and the University of Chicago, he eventually obtained a doctorate degree in chemistry. Price worked on the Manhattan project, a program during World War I focusing on building an atomic bomb. He later went on to work in various fields such as computer science, psychology, politics, and eventually moved to London where he discovered his love for e... ... Web. 22 May 2012. James Marshall attended Bristol College and is currently teaching at Sheffield College. He earned a Doctorate in Evolutionary studies, as well as has substantial experience with computer related studies. His quote further describes the Price Equation and its affiliation with genes themselves. Weintraub, Stanley. Silent Night: The Story of the WWI Christmas Truce. New York: The Free Press, 2001. Print. Stanley Weintraub is a professor, historian, and biographer. He spent many months in Korea, during the Korean War with first hand experience on the hardships of war. He began writing after the bombing of Pear Harbor. His telling of the events of the Christmas Truce on the western front is both enlightening and accurate. The way he phrases things causes a realization that this moment was fleeting. After all, it was in the middle of a war.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Buddhism Essay examples -- Papers Religion India Essays Religious

Buddhism Works Cited Missing Buddhism is the religion of about one eighth of the world's people (Gaer 27). Buddhism is the name for a complex system of beliefs developed around the teachings of a single man. The Buddha, whose name was Siddhartha Gautama, lived 2,500 years ago in India. There are now dozens of different schools of Buddhist philosophy throughout Asia. These schools, or sects, have different writings and languages and have grown up in different cultures. There is no one single "Bible" of Buddhism, but all Buddhists share some basic beliefs. Buddhism is a Western word. The religion is known in the East as the Buddha-Dharma, or the teachings of the Buddha (Kelen 10). These teachings, based on his personal experience of Enlightenment, or Awakening, form the foundation of Buddhism. For every Buddhist the religion is both a discipline and a body of beliefs: that is, Buddhists share beliefs about the nature of the world and how to act within it. Budh in the Indian Sanskrit language means "to wake up, to know." Buddha means "the Awakened or Enlightened One," and all Buddhist teachings try to share the Buddha's experience of awakening to truth. Having led an â€Å"indulgent life as a young man,† (Stryk 15) Siddhartha Gautama decided to pursue â€Å"a course of bitter self-denialâ€Å"(Stryk 18). Yet he felt that this brought him no closer to the truth he sought than the rich life he had led. One day he felt close to reaching his truth, and he sat down under a tree now known as the Bo tree. There he attained the bliss and knowledge he had been seeking. Legend has it that, though tempted by evil demons, he sat quietly under the tree for 49 days. This became known as the Immovable Spot. Once Siddhartha Gautama was ... ... have achieved Nirvana, total bliss† (Kelen 90). He is shown as calm and loving, usually with a soft smile and radiant energy ( Kelen 93). Some scenes show the Buddha at key moments of his life, for example, sitting under the Bo tree. Others illustrate his teachings. There is a story that tells of the Buddha offering his body as food for a hungry mother tiger and her cubs because he felt that all life was sacred. This scene is a popular visual theme in the cave temples of China and Japan. Other Buddhist paintings illustrate the sacred writings, as stained glass windows were created to illustrate the Bible in many Christian churches. Since Buddhists believe that anyone can be on the path toward Enlightenment, these visual images of the Buddha along his own path are a helpful addition to the writings that people study. They make the texts more personal and inviting.

Use of Satire in Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle :: Kurt Vonnegut Cats Cradle Essays

Use of Satire in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle Kurt Vonnegut said in The Vonnegut Statement (1973), in an interview with Robert Scholes, that one of his reasons for writing is "to poison minds with humanity†¦to encourage them to make a better world" (107). This idea works quite well in Vonnegut's book, Cat's Cradle. It is a satirical story of a man's quest to write a book about the day the world ended (refering to the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima), which he never finishes. What we get is a raw look at humans trying desperately to find a sense of purpose in their lives through different means such as religion, science, etc. Vonnegut uses satire that is both dark and humorous to pursue this point. A good example is found in the prelude of the book where he writes, "Nothing in this book is true. 'Live by the foma [Harmless untruths] that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy.'" Bokonon, we learn, is a religion that is made up of "bittersweet lies" (12). "Truth was the enemy of the people, because the truth was so terrible, so Bokonon [the creator of the religion] made it his business to provide the people with better and better lies" (118). We also learn that science takes the opposite opinion. One of the men who helped develop the atomic bomb tells us, "The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become" (36). I think one thing that Vonnegut is trying to show us is that man too easily accepts things as valid without questioning. Refering to this, Newt, another character, says, "No wonder kids grow up crazy. A cat's cradle is nothing but a bunch of X's between somebody's hands, and little kids look and look and look at all those X's†¦No damn cat, and no damn cradle" (114). Cat's Cradle is full of these kinds of "poisons" not only about religion and science, but also about many other human frailties as well. In a way, Vonnegut is holding a mirror (that hides no imperfections) up to humanity in order that humanity might see its own the folly and futility and thus be impelled to try and improve. I think Vonnegut's hope is that this book will allow people to laugh at themselves while also making them think about how they are directing their own lives.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Science and Mathematics: Al-Ghazzali, “On the Separation of Mathematic and Religion”

The selections written on mathematics and the scientific description of smallpox imparted that Islam is based on trust and faith in God and not some theory and hypothesis which can be relied upon only if it is proven through calculation, geometry, and cosmography or by logical experimentations.Because of mathematics and science, Al-Ghazzali was able to make a distinction between mathematics and religion. According to him, proving something using mathematics, when successful, will tend to eliminate religious foundations of that particular assumption.Whereas, if something is proven by religion, it does not forego or criticize mathematics. Meaning, mathematics is quantifiable and material while religious is speculative and immaterial. Believing in Islam comes from within, established because of one’s belief in God even without substantial proof.Like in smallpox, this disease is contagious with unknown cause but it has been treated and now it is considered an inactive ailment. For Al-Ghazzali, the eruption of smallpox can be compared to the problems and challenges in life. When a person is still an infant, his resistance is still weak and can be easily infected by smallpox.Meaning, he is too fragile to face life’s crises. As he grows up, he continuously learns and strengthens his faith. Along the many trials in life, he becomes strong thus when he develops into a young man, he has enough strength not to contain â€Å"smallpox.† As he matures and grows all, he becomes much wiser and with great wisdom, his values are stronger thus â€Å"smallpox† can hardly contaminate him.Focus Question #2: According to Al-Ghazzali, should mathematics and religion be separated? Why or why not?According to Al-Ghazzali, mathematics and religion should be treated separately because these two disciplines cannot be reconciled even both can explain many phenomenon in the universe. However, they do differ in their justifications since mathematics has material pr oof while that of religion is based on faith in God, thus immaterial. If an experience or fact is proven materially, it tends to condemn religion right then while religious proofs do not criticize mathematics.Central to Al-Ghazzali’s theory is that all eventualities (causes and effects) in mortal life and beyond are determined by God as expressed in religion. He despised mathematics in that those highly-educated men who professed scientific proof of things tend to forget God and the Divine Law which is evil and wicked.Moreover, Al-Ghazzali asserted that these men who bowed down to mathematics and science have lost their faith in God. As such, they praised human knowledge and capabilities without recognizing that a higher Being is there responsible for all these gifts of wisdom and intelligence.Finally, Al-Ghazzali ended with total belief in understanding through religious experience rather than approaching it intellectually as in mathematics and science. All his actions and i nferences refer to obedience and confidence in God regardless of scientific bases and calculations. For him, God should be above all earthly occurrences.Works Citedâ€Å"On the Causes of Small-Pox.† A Treatise on Small-Pox and Measles. 1848.â€Å"On the Separation of Mathematics and Religion.† The Confession of Al-Ghazzali. 1908.   

Friday, August 16, 2019

Method Essay

Case Problem 4 WORKFORCE SCHEDULING Davis Instruments has two manufacturing plants located in Atlanta, Georgia. Product demand varies considerably from month to month, causing Davis extreme difficulty in workforce scheduling. Recently Davis started hiring temporary workers supplied by WorkForce Unlimited, a company that specializes in providing temporary employees for firms in the greater Atlanta area. WorkForce Unlimited offered to provide temporary employees under three contract options that differ in terms of the length of employment and the cost. The three options are summarized: Option Length of Employment Cost 1 One month $2000 2 Two months $4800 3 Three months $7500 The longer contract periods are more expensive because WorkForce Unlimited experiences greater difficulty finding temporary workers who are willing to commit to longer work assignments. Over the next six months, Davis projects the following needs for additional employees: Month January February March April May June Employees Needed 10 23 19 26 20 14 Each month, Davis can hire as many temporary employees as needed under each of the three options. For instance, if Davis hires five employees in January under Option 2, WorkForce Unlimited will supply Davis with five temporary workers who will work two months: January and February. For these workers, Davis will have to pay 5($4800) _ $24,000. Because of some merger negotiations under way, Davis does not want to commit to any contractual obligations for temporary employees that extend beyond June. Davis’s quality control program requires each temporary employee to receive training at the time of hire. The training program is required even if the person worked for Davis Instruments in the past. Davis estimates that the cost of training is $875 each time a temporary employee is hired. Thus, if a temporary employee is hired for one month, Davis will incur a training cost of $875, but will incur no additional training cost if the employee is on a two- or three-month contract. Managerial Report Develop a model that can be used to determine the number of temporary employees Davis should hire each month under each contract plan in order to meet the projected needs at a minimum total cost. Include the following items in your report: 1. A schedule that shows the number of temporary employees that Davis should hire each month for each contract option. 2. A summary table that shows the number of temporary employees that Davis should hire under each contract option, the associated contract cost for each option, and the associated training cost for each option. Provide summary totals showing the total number of temporary employees hired, total contract costs, and total training costs. 3. If the cost to train each temporary employee could be reduced to $700 per month, what effect would this change have on the hiring plan? Explain. Discuss the implications that this effect on the hiring plan has for identifying methods for reducing training costs. How much of a reduction in training costs would be required to change the hiring plan based on a training cost of $875 per temporary employee? 4. Suppose that Davis hired 10 full-time employees at the beginning of January in order to satisfy part of the labor requirements over the next six months. If Davis can hire full-time employees for $16.50 per hour, including fringe benefits, what effect would it have on total labor and training costs over the six-month period as compared to hiring only temporary employees? Assume that full-time and temporary employees both work approximately 160 hours per month. Provide a recommendation regarding the decision to hire additional full-time employees.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Home Depot Supply Chain Management

Supply chain has never been Home Depot’s key strategic priorities in the past. Instead, the Atlanta-based home improvement’s management had always been focusing on expanding its stores. At the time, the company’s emphasis on expansion was appropriate considering the history of massive growth. What originally helped Home Depot’s growth was a decentralized business model where stores were populated with highly knowledgeable sales persons with backgrounds in various building trades. Regional and store-level managers, those closest to the customer, were empowered with decisions of merchandising and inventory mix instead of the people at the head quarters. IT also played a significant role. Home Depot relied heavily on home grown systems. By building its own applications, it didn't get bogged down in customizing off-the-shelf software and didn't invest time and money in endless enterprise wide implementations. In addition, a standard database design and an application architecture that reused software components allowed the IT staff to develop applications, such as the company's mobile ordering system (a cart equipped with a computer and printer that clerks could wheel around the store to reorder products and change prices). Average store revenues in prime geographical markets were roughly $60-$80 million, which could justify high levels of de-centralization. The direct-to-store model made sense to Home Depot in the past because of its high sales in each store. With network expansion and competition, per store sales dropped and a decentralized ordering model caused high inventory problems for Home Depot. The majority of supplier shipments flowed directly to the stores and resulted in the Home Depot being the single largest less-than-truckload shipper in the United States, since about 80% of goods were flowing direct to store on half-empty trucks, which was inefficient, lead to poor inventory turns, poor in-stock and high logistics cost. Meanwhile, most retailers, such as rival Lowe’s and discount powerhouse Wal-Mart, ship to distribution centers that can serve up to 100 stores. There, they break down larger shipments into smaller ones that are parceled out to stores. Home Depot’s individual stores were their own stocking centers and store associates had to spend more time in unloading trucks than serving customers. The business model became compromised as to who had the most stores in the most locations vs. superior customer service. After 30 years in business — and taking pride in towering shelves of in-stock items — Home Depot is taking the largest initiatives to move to a more traditional supply chain. In 2006, Home Depot hired Mark Holifield, formerly with Office Depot, as senior vice president of supply chain to modernize the company's supple chain. Part of this new initiative is to get the forklifts out of stores and reduce the amount of inventory piled up in stores. The move to centralized ordering means suppliers now have just one order to process instead of a hundred POs from individual stores. In addition, suppliers now ship their products in truckload quantities to the RDCs instead of sending LTL shipments to individual stores. The combined savings have enabled Home Depot to negotiate better prices with its vendors, which further reduced overall costs. Although all of these changes have helped streamline its supply chain operations, Holifield emphasizes that the overarching goal is to make Home Depot a better place to shop. The whole network is about is providing on-time and accurate service to individual stores so that they can focus on the customers.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Life Span Perspective Essay

The definition of a person’s lifespan is from the moment that they are conceived to the moment that they pass away. The development of this life is defined through the various stages in which that person develops. When a person is looking at the perspective of this lifespan development, they are trying to understand what changes during the development and why it happens. There have been many psychologists that have looked at this and developed many different theories about development, and you can see that there are many influences that help push these theories into reality. Definition of Lifespan Development A person and their lifespan start out when they are conceived and then grow and develop for nine months in the womb. During this time that person will develop into either a male or a female. Once they are born they will continue to experience changes and different developments while they age. There are different stages in their life that will show different changes within them. The study of how we understand how humans change over a lifetime is called the study of human development, (Berger, 2008). When looking at the development of a person, you can make a pattern out of it from one person to another, but there are cases that the development does not follow a set path. The most common stages of development are birth, infancy, adolescence, adult, elderly, (old age), and death. Lifespan Perspective Lifespan perspective has three different domains in looking at the development of a person. These domains are physical, cognitive, and social domains. Physical domain is looking into the aging and growth of the physical being, (Sigelman & Rider, 2009). The cognitive domain looks into the mind and examines memory, language, perception, and problem solving. The last domain looks at the person’s personality, emotions, and relationships. This study of the human development is one that will probably never end, since there are so many factors when looking at the development of a person. Theories There have been many different theories that go into this portion of psychology. With these theories, people need to examine what are actually in these theories before trying to understand what lifespan development actually is. Piaget Piaget’s theory on development puts a lot of emphasis on the development of thought process. His cognitive theory has been in the front of this study since the 1980s and has had many different versions formed from it, (Berger, 2008). He had figured out that since children are so curious that there are age related stages to the development of the mind. Piaget put these into four different stages. The stages are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The sensorimotor stage is from birth to the age of two where the child uses their motor skills and different senses to try and understand the world around them. The preoperational stage is from the ages of two and six. This is where the child tries to use language to understand everything that is around them. The concrete operational stage happens from the ages of six and eleven. This is where the child starts to understand and use different logical operations to understand the world. The last sate happens from the age of twelve through adulthood. This is where they start to think with different hypothetical concepts and reason without having emotions interfere. Freud Sigmund Freud had a similar but different look on the stages of development. Freud believed that there were three stages of development and that all of them revolved around sexual pleasure. He thought that that infancy was an oral stage, early childhood was an anal stage, and that the years around the age of going to preschool was the phallic stage, (Berger, 2008). With this theory the interpretation of an adult would be a constant struggle in the person’s unconscious from childhood on up. Nature and Nurture There have been many debates over the influence of nature and nurture in this field. When looking at this field a person can see that there is help from both influences when shaping the development of a person. Nature is where genetics is passed down from one person to the next and nature is a person’s abilities and temperaments, (Guest, 2011). Everything that is around a person can affect their development, such as friends, schools, and religion. Each of these takes most effect when the child is in early development, which is one of the most crucial times for a person and their development. Conclusion The development of a person from life to death is the scientific study of lifespan development. This perspective can be seen in three different domains and five different stages of characteristics. There were many different theories on this subject, but Piaget thought there were four stages that happened in the mind while Freud thought there were three stages that was focused on sexuality.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Operations management - Essay Example Some brands offer luxury other offers sturdiness. The presence of company in different countries also creates many problems. The operations of Toyota are susceptible to political and economic fluctuations. Because of the dispersed manufacturing the company faces different problems in different countries. The problem of competitors and safety issues rise regularly. The recent safety issues with Toyota cars caused significant financial issues to the company. There are issues regarding location of retail showrooms and supply chain management issues. The company follows Just in Time inventory system (JIT) in which management of supplies is extremely important. Also with different safety rules, manufacturing regulations, tax legislations and environment concerns in different countries Toyota faces many operational challenges and this paper will discuss these challenges with great detail. The strategies to address these issues will also be discussed in the paper. These possible solutions m ight help Toyota Motor Company solve its operational problems. Key Operational Challenges faced by Toyota The automobile industry all over the world is facing problems due to economic recession and environmental concerns. Toyota faces multifaceted problems due to its presence all over the world. Design issues, pricing and product development issues are the main operational challenges Toyota is facing today. ... 2005). Usually there are teams that work on new products as a whole but in Toyota teams work on subsystems like hardware, software and suppliers. Then all these subsystems are combined to form a new product. In this way the development process is speeded. The problem in this system arises with regards to the suppliers. Product development cannot be completed if suppliers are not equipped to supply different parts that are needed to develop the new product. For this reason supplier development is also necessary. This is an operational challenge for Toyota as it is very difficult for development teams and suppliers to be on the same page. Suppliers are to be trained and they should be equipped with proper technology in order to ensure that they are able to meet the demands of the newly developed product. This is a serious challenge for Toyota. Because of supplier issues inventories of Toyota are increasing and storage cost is also hiking even though Toyota is famous for its Just in Tim e inventory system (JIT). Toyota will have to rely on suppliers because it is not feasible to develop everything on their own but supply chain management issues are also a major challenge even for a big company like Toyota. Complexity Problems in Toyota The complex products of Toyota are a problem. The manufacturing units are dispersed all over the world and because of this sophisticated technology have to be made available everywhere. Alongside making complex products for its diverse clientele Toyota also has to manage its worldwide sale. The complexity problem becomes an operational issue when a car is developed and the technology used in the car is not available in some of the manufacturing countries. Now in order to make similar cars in those countries the technology is required

Monday, August 12, 2019

Discussion Essay Qustion Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Discussion Qustion - Essay Example Venus is covered by carbon dioxide. This absorbs high amount of heat which relatively increases surface temperatures (Corfield, 2007). Earth is the only planet that supports life. Its atmosphere is made of different layers that include troposphere, thermosphere stratosphere, and mesosphere. It comprises of different percentages of moving air that is 78.2% of nitrogen, 1.0% of inert gases, 21.1% of oxygen, 0.04% and water vapor. In Mars the atmosphere is thin comprising of small traces of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide argon and small traces of water vapor (Corfield, 2007). Jovian planets, also known as outer planets are large in sizes and do not have surfaces that are in solid state. They are far from the sun and therefore cooler than the inner planets. The inner part of these planets is made up rocks at the core. Their atmosphere comprises of helium and nitrogen components. The first and the main difference between terrestrial and Jovian planet is the size where terrestrial planet is smaller in size. Secondly are their surfaces. Terrestrial planet it’s made of rocks while Jovian planet is made up of gases. Third is that the atmosphere of terrestrial planet is mainly made of nitrogen and carbon dioxide whereas the atmosphere of Jovian planet comprises of hydrogen and helium. Fourthly, terrestrial planets are nearer to the sun as compared to Jovian planets (Runcorn, 1988). Jovian planet is also known to rotate at faster rate than terrestrial

Tesco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Tesco - Essay Example If the global sales and domestic market share of the company is taken into account then it is found that the company is the largest British retailer by far. The profit of the company exceeded ?2 billion for the year 2008 and it is believed that the profit will be much higher in the year 2009. The company mainly focuses upon food and drink but it has also started dealing in clothes, financial services, internet services etc. â€Å"Tesco started life in 1919 when Jack Cohen started selling surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London. Mr. Cohen recorded a profit of ?1 from total sales of ?4 on his first day.† (A History of Tesco) The brand Tesco first appeared in the year 1924 when Jack Cohen supposedly bought a tea shipment from Mr. T. E Stockwell. The year 1929 marked the opening of a store in North London and the company rapidly developed from there on. The head quarters of the company was first established in North London in the 1930s. In the year 1932 the compan y became a private limited company, another feather in the cap of Tesco. PESTLE PESTLE is an acronym for Political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental factors. Let us examine how strong the organization is after conducting a PESTLE. SWOT analysis and PESTLE are conducted to assess the strengths and opportunities available to an organization. The current success of Tesco is largely because of the favorable political climate, Tesco has managed to penetrate into nations which were previously considered difficult to penetrate into and this is certainly paved the way for success. Politically the organization has helped in solving the unemployment problem in the UK, the credit crunch has taken a toll on the employment rate but Tesco has still managed to provide job opportunities hence bringing down the unemployment rate in the UK. The EU laws largely favor Tesco, the EU laws tend to favor organizations that have a large presence in a country, Tesco not only has a large presence in the UK but it has also expanded rapidly in other countries as well and this has certainly worked to the advantage of the organization. Tesco needs to be aware of the planning permission because it has plans of further expansion and things can go horribly wrong should an organization avoid planning permission. It is extremely important to pay attention to the marketing strategy of Tesco, the organization has put in a lot of efforts into marketing, and they have captured almost every opportunity to grow. The specialty of the organization was initially in drink and food business but the giants gradually decided to enter into consumer products like music players, CD players, computers and other products that sell like hot cakes. The competitive marketing plan of the organization is right up there with the best, each store is a different segment and steps are taken on every store to increase the sales and generate good profits. The SWOT is in favor of Tesco, the bigg est strength of the organization is its workforce, as mentioned earlier the employees are very affable and friendly. The customers feel good when they share their problems with the employees. Another strength of the organization is its global reach, the stores are spread across in several countries which is no ordinary achievement. Jack Cohen started on a very basic level and within no time the organization

Sunday, August 11, 2019

RFID Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

RFID - Essay Example It is greatly used by the organizations for tracking their assets. They just put the RFID tags so that the assets can be easily located. The technology has also been in use in various manufacturing plants for many years. It is used for tracking the parts as well as monitoring the movement of the ‘work’. It is also used for the reduction of defects and enhancement of output levels. Supply chain of the retail chains is one of the major areas where RFID technology has been playing crucial role for the past few decades. Furthermore, the technology has also made the payment mechanisms more convenient especially in case of ‘road tolls’ and ‘quick service restaurants’ (Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility, n.d.). The main purpose of RFID technology is enabling data for being transmitted through a portable device such as ‘tag’. A RFID reader reads this tag and then it is further processed in accordance to the requirements of the user. The data which is getting transmitted is capable of providing information regarding the locations, identifications or even the specific features of a particular product. RFID technology has become very popular for its capability of tracking ‘moving objects’ (Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility,